Are There Options for Repairing Severely Damaged Teeth?

July 29, 2021

Anyone who has ever experienced the agony of a toothache knows that poor oral health is more than an inconvenience; it negatively impacts your quality of life. Not only can damaged teeth cause physical pain, but they can also create extreme self-consciousness and pose significant health risks if left untreated. Damage occurs to teeth for a variety of reasons, from disease and facial trauma to years of teeth grinding or a misaligned bite. Fortunately, dental ...

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Save Your Tooth or Pull It?

May 28, 2021

If you’ve been experiencing tooth pain, your inclination might be to just pull the problematic tooth and be done with it! Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. So, before you choose to extract it, make sure you take time to understand the ramifications. Benefits of saving a natural tooth When possible, saving your natural teeth is the best option. While today’s dental prosthetics are made to last, they simply don’t have ...

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Ouch! Do I Have Sensitive Teeth?

February 28, 2021

Have you ever winced with sudden pain after gulping an icy beverage or slurping a spoonful of hot soup? If so, you're likely one of the 40 million Americans the Academy of General Dentistry estimates experience tooth sensitivity each year. What causes tooth sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity (i.e., dentin hypersensitivity) occurs when tooth enamel wears away, leaving the dentin exposed. This soft, inner part of your tooth houses thousands of microscopic channels that, when ...

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5 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth During the Holidays

December 30, 2020

The holidays are here and with them come all the joys of the season – lights and decorations, time with friends and family, and those special treats we only get this time of year. Unfortunately, the special treats we love so much can lead to damaged teeth and an unwanted trip to the dentist, which will definitely not have you feeling holly and jolly.  We don’t want you to miss out on all the fun ...

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Dental Insurance – What You Need to Know

November 30, 2020

Unlike homeowner’s or automobile insurance, dental insurance is something you definitely WANT to use. Other insurance plans are often designed to cover a loss. For example, your homeowner’s insurance will reimburse you if you lose your home to a fire or natural disaster and if your car is damaged in an accident, your car insurance pays to have it repaired. Of course, specific coverage amounts vary depending on the policy, but the premise ...

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Dental Plaque: What You Need to Know

September 29, 2020

Plaque, like many oral health concerns, begins as a silent menace. You may recognize this colorless, sticky film as the fuzzy coating you feel when you first wake up. For many people, a colorless film on the teeth may be the only sign. However, in some cases, more noticeable symptoms, such as receding gums or bad breath, occur. What is plaque and what causes it? Plaque forms in your mouth throughout the day as you ...

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Why Replacing Lost Teeth is Important

August 24, 2020

For those individuals that have lost their teeth or have been suffering from missing teeth, it is important to understand how critical it is to address the issue. The reality is that nobody would like to live their life with missing teeth.  In addition to it looking very awkward, it also affects your self-confidence because it hinders you from being able to smile openly. Other than aesthetics, there are several other reasons why you should ...

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5 Dental Myths

May 20, 2020

Even though our dental team enjoys working with teeth on a daily basis and looks forward to taking care of our patient's oral health, most people don’t rank going to the dentist at the top of the fun list. However, sometimes the reasons people don't come in for check-ups are due to preconceived dental myths. Let's examine five of the most common myths. Myth 1: My Teeth Feel Fine, So Why ...

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What is Tooth Enamel Erosion and Can It Be Treated?

August 25, 2019

What is Tooth Enamel Erosion and Can It Be Treated? Did you know that 250 tooth enamel is the strongest and most durable tissue within our body? It is stronger than our bones, and harder than steel!  Tooth enamel is the substance on the outside layer of your teeth. Enamel is responsible for protecting your teeth from damage. However, don't let the strength of enamel fool you. Tooth enamel can be broken down and ...

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5 Top Benefits of Using Fluoride Treatments

April 21, 2019

5 Top Benefits of Using Fluoride Treatments We all know how important fluoride treatments are for children. However, did you know that fluoride usage for adults is just as important? It’s never too late to start practicing a healthy oral hygiene routine for your teeth. Even adults should use fluoride to experience the amazing positive effects it has on our teeth.   There are 5 clear benefits of fluoride treatments that all ages can appreciate ...

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